
Trafford Medical Education Service aims to provide equal access to appropriate education for all children and young people with medical needs, keeping education alive in the pupil’s life, maintaining progress and enabling them to achieve their potential.

Trafford Medical Education Service is responsible for providing a discrete education provision for all Trafford pupils 5-16 who are unable to access mainstream Primary and Secondary schools as a result of medical issues.  The purpose of the service is to maintain continuity of education for all pupils in all subjects and age groups with appropriate links to “home” school and any agencies involved with the child or their family.


We support and help pupils to re-engage with education following lengthy periods of non-schooling because of emotional and/or mental health issues. Trafford Medical Education Service works in partnership with medical staff, home, schools and parents/ carers to ensure that a child’s ill health does not impair their educational opportunities. It is recognised nationally in Statutory Guidance that pupils who continue in education during their illness and recuperation are likely to recover more quickly with the minimum possible adverse effect on their educational and life outcomes.

Pupils are not “admitted” to Trafford Medical Education  Service  as virtually all pupils are already on the admission register of a maintained school however; registers are kept for all pupils